Wednesday, November 19, 2014

TRiO Prep Day

Dear Scholars,

You are cordially invited to our semi-annual TRiO Prep Day festivities. Please save the date for Wednesday, December 10th, 2014. We will be hosting our 2nd annual Chili Cook-Off Contest here at TRiO. For those of you who may not remember, last year Heather was crowned the “Chili Champion.” Some of us TRiO staff members are coming after the Queen this year!

We will have food and beverages to help you get through a tough day of studying, but you are welcome to contribute food dishes to this potluck style event as well. A flyer is in the works, but we wanted you to plan ahead, mark your calendars, and show up!

Don’t forget we will also have numerous “quiet study zones” in the office. Last minute tutoring will also be offered (by appointment). We hope you consider coming on Wednesday to study for your finals and enjoy some food with us!

This event counts as a TRiO contact.